loool I did not do anything
- VideoELF
- Want to figure out how to make a command interface for typescript scripts
- Make into, list today? or into with typewriter words would be cool
- Hugo -> Low pior. brunt out rn from site
- Open at andysit.com
- Wanted to publish and setup my website
- Actually got it done pretty quick at night!
- Make branch for customizing my theme!
- Coffee color?
- Change list format
- Open at andysit.com
- Escapegami
- Start writing in the game code wise to see if I’m feeling it still. Do really like the interaction idea behind the game.
- FormiBlocks
- Make a popup to select program!
- Look into Eudimonia-Machine again. Got to lock out my email man and other desktop icons
- Lets upload out first blog TODAY!!!!
- gooooooo