Andy's Iter.

I’m coming to the end of the current project I have been working on. Ready to move on to a new idea. Thinking of starting an educational website.


An educational website that teaches in my own way. Mainly as a source it focuses on dumbing down the content as simple as possible with a different structure to learning than that I see online. The site will grow as my own knowledge increases so not sure how much content will exist since will I learn that much tech?


I felt like there was no educational content on tech which felt easy to grasp for myself and thought it would be fun. Also, I struggle a lot with feeling dumb. Helping others feel smarter sounds really fulfilling. Teaching others is also impactful as you offer people a way of learning which can permanently impact their lives.

Likely will experience a sharp realization that the idea does not offer anything new but going to design and write down thoughts.


I guess my issue right now is it feels as though all tech tutorials and documentation do not do a good job of learning to understand the bigger picture. Most are a quick review of how to actually use it. This is useful for certain situations but if you want to learn a skill it becomes an endless cycle of tutorials until you get a hang of each component. Leading to frustration in coding, and feeling overwhelmed aka detouring people from trying.

For example, in an analogy for the purpose, most people don’t like when people explain how a stove works and rather learn how to actually cook the food. I want to offer a guide to cooking basic foods in general with a stove. So you don’t need to buy a recipe every time but can just know the overall use case and use your own choice of seasoning.

There may exist arch. documentation but it comes from a place of understanding or goes into too much detail from the start. What if the person learning is new and the jargon is overwhelming. Learning should start at the lowest level, snowballing into an incrementally larger ball of snowy knowledge as you keep going.

If I could learn a framework what would I want?

Start at the very basic structure of how it works from the base. Not how to use it literally but how it functions structurally. The knowledge should give the potential to read the documentation. Examples should prove the structural concept which the user can then test and mess with this proof. It also serves as a way to structure information storage in the brain when learning.

File Popularity. Which files are used most in the file or reference through imports? I find myself wondering where most of the logic processing is done in a lot of open-source repositories. I’d imagine you can recursively read imports which allows for multiple languages.

Wording. Must be as simple as possible with as few words as possible. If it’s a large text at less spread it out every 3 sentences so people don’t skim or have trouble reading the content.


Don’t need a website yet, just need to test the learning framework first. Maybe I should write a blog of what I learn testing out this structure before I do it. It’s not like I need an interactive UI.